For me personally this is a very important place that I will be visiting. The Third Battle of Ypres is one of my core World War One historical interests, and …
For me personally this is a very important place that I will be visiting. The Third Battle of Ypres is one of my core World War One historical interests, and …
History – Battle of Messines 7 to 14 June 1917 The Battle of Messines was an important attack before the major British offensive for 1917, the Third Battle of Ypres. At …
Hill 60 is one of the key sites outside of Ypres that I want to visit. It was a key point just prior to the Third Battle of Ypres. Seeing …
I am particularly looking forward to visiting Ypres. I was introduced to World War One when Mum was preparing lessons for school and as I grew up it became a …